How to use DMs automation to understand your Twitter audience

Learn how to use the Twitter DM automation to understand your audience and get the most out of your Twitter account.

2 min read

04 Mar, 2022

It is not easy to build a Twitter audience until you truly understand their needs.

Every time I tweet, I ask myself, am I posting the right content? What problem am I solving for them?

By posting in public, I did many experiments.

Some of them worked poorly, others received high engagement, but it's a long-term process until you figure out what works and what doesn't.

An Alternative Strategy

However, there is another approach, complementary or alternative.

Direct messages allow you to interact with people directly.

I created a scheduled job, that automatically sends a Welcome Message DM to all my new followers.

It is as simple as saying "Thanks for following me! How can I help you?".

At first, I was concerned that this message would be perceived as cold and automated, and I wanted to be genuine.

After a while, I realized that a lot of people replied back!

When they reply, I jump into the conversation.

Amazing Results 🤩

I got to know what my followers need, why they are following me and which kind of content they are interested in. And I made a lot of friends too.

It would have taken hundreds of public posting experiments for me to understand that.

Thanks to this experience, I decided to make the Welcome Message DM automation available for everyone through hivoe.

You can easily create your Welcome Message.

Pick up your favorite message from the templates list, or write your own. Enable it, and see it working 🤓

More then 50% of my followers replied back.

Happy DMing!


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